Working with Sales Quotes


Topic: Sales


Use the Sales Quote Document (sometimes called Estimate) to create a detailed item by item description of what you are proposing to sell your customer. Unlike other Documents, such as Sales Invoices and Bills the Sales Quote does not post any values to the Accounts (Nominal Ledger).



Using the basics

Entering Line Items

Working with Transactional Documents

Working with Items

Entering and Editing

Creating a new Sales Quote

See Creating new Transactions and Entering Line Items for the basic information.


Sales Quote Key Facts

Sales Quotes are used to provide a detailed item by item description on what you are going to sell to the Customer.
Issuing a Quote does not affect the associated Customer balance.
The Ref # is a unique identifier/number associated with the Document. See Working with Reference numbers (Ref #).
The format of the Printed Document (e.g. your company logo, colors etc.) and which columns are displayed in the Line Item table are configurable. See Working with Document Templates.
Once a Quote has been create you can then generate Sales Orders, Sales Invoices, Cash Sales or Sales Opportunities from the Quote as required.


Related tasks and information

Configuring Transactional Documents

Entering Billing/Shipping addresses

Creating related Documents

Printing Documents

Working with Emails

Transaction Audit Trail

Working with Sales Invoices

Working with Sales Orders

Working with Cash Sales

Working with Sales Opportunities

Checking Stock Availability

Working with Prospects

Working with Customers

Working with Jobs

Working with Memos

Working with Classifications