Checking Stock Availability


Topic: Products/Services > Working with Items > Stock Item

You can configure Sales Orders, Sales Invoices and Cash Sales so that if there is insufficient stock to fulfill the order a warning will be issued, or alternatively you can be prevented from creating/saving the document.


Ensuring enough stock is available

Although theoretically the amount of free stock can become negative (meaning effectively that extra stock needs ordering to be able to fulfill the current order/invoice commitments), this may not be what is required from a pragmatic point of view. For this reason you can configure your system to either warn, or not allow Sales Orders/Invoices to be created if they would result in a negative free stock count. This ensure that all saved orders/invoices can indeed be fulfilled.


Setting insufficient stock preferences on Sales Orders

To set the ordering preferences on Sales Orders, from the Explorer go to Configuration->Sales Order. This displays the Sales Order configuration screen (below).


Insufficient Stock Preferences

Insufficient Stock Preferences


There are three options :-


1.Allow creation with insufficient stock: This allows the Sales Order to be created, even if the associated free stock level will be negative.
2.Do not allow creation with insufficient stock: This will prevent the sales Order being created if the free stock will be negative.
3.Warn if insufficient stock: This will warn the user if saving the Sales Order will result in negative free stock.


Setting insufficient stock preferences on Sales Invoices

The same procedure can be used to configure the creation of Sales Invoices (which implicitly includes Cash Sales). Simply use the Sales Invoice Configuration document under Configuration->Sales Invoice.


Displaying Stock Availability

On Sales Orders, Invoices, Quotes and even Sales Opportunities you can display the availability of stock on the document, and see if there is a shortfall. To do this the document must be in either New or Edit mode. You can then simply click the Check Stock icon to display the current stock availability for Stock Items listed in the document (below).

Displaying Stock Availability

Displaying Stock Availability


Note if there is a shortfall in stock the outstanding amount (in Stock Units) is shown in red.