Stock Item


Topic: Products/Services > Working with Items


Stock Items (sometimes called Inventoried Items) are physical Items that you buy/sell ,and need to keep track of in terms of current quantity, number committed to orders, number being purchased etc. Typically, products that you store in a warehouse or stock-room and subsequently sell are represented as Stock Items.


When you are deciding which Items to use from the list above there is a key decision you need to make, namely do you want to track the levels of stock for the Item.


If you are a service company, or you do not stock any products then the answer is probably no, and you can ignore Stock Items. Conversely, if you do stock and sell products, and you want to keep track of the amount of stock you have and its associated value at any time, then you probably need to use a Stock Item.


Unlike other Items, Stock Items,


Keep track of the amount of stock. If you buy, the stock count is increased, if you sell it is decreased.
Keep track of the current value of your stock. It does this by using Average Costing of the purchasing costs.
Allow you to specify units of measure for purchasing, stocking and selling. For example you can buy wine in barrels, stock in bottles and sell in crates of 12 bottles.
Keep track of how much stock is on Sales Orders and Purchase Order, and how much is free for sale (i.e. not committed to Sales Orders).
Allow you to adjust the stock levels at any time by using a Stock Adjustment.
Allow you to set a re-order level and indicate when stock needs re-ordering.



Using the basics


Entering and Editing

Creating a new Stock Item

To create a new Stock Item either use the Items Shortcut, or from the Explorer click Products/Services->Items and click 'New Item' from the Item List.


The New Item Page will now be displayed. Simply click on 'Stock Item' to display a new Stock Item Document.


Stock Item Key Facts

The Item Code (sometimes called the Product Code) and Description are mandatory fields. These will appear on the Transactional Document (e.g. a Sales Invoice) when the associated Line Item is selected.
The Item Code has to be unique. You will get an error on saving the Item if it is not.
You enter the default sale price on the Sales/Prices tab. You enter the default purchase cost on the Purchasing/Costs tab. These prices/cost will automatically appear on sales/Purchase documents respectively when the associated Line Item is added.
You can specify cross/up-sell information in the 'Cross/Up-sell Information' tab. If you enter information here corresponding Line Items will display a clip0151 icon indicating there is associated information. Clicking on the icon will popup the Item information.
On the Purchasing/Costs tab under the Ordering section you can specify the re-order level. This allows you to run a report on which stock you need to re-order (either from the Reports->Products/Services on the Explorer or from the Stock List).
USEFUL TIP: You enter the initial number of Items in stock, and their corresponding value on the Stock tab in section 'Current Status and availability'.
If you buy, stock and sell the Item in differing units of measure you can specify the relationships between the units in the 'Units of measure relationships' sections. By default it is assumed you buy, stock and sell in the same units.
Use the Classification tab to specify the Item's associated Categories and Attributes if any.
You can use the Images tab to upload images of the Product.
The Accounting tab defined how the Item is mapped to the Chart of Accounts. The default account mappings are set in the Accounts configuration page.

Related tasks and information

Working with Items

Working with Transactional Documents

Entering Line Items

Stock Adjustments

Stock Assembly Item

Checking Stock Availability

Working with Item Categories

Working with Item Attributes

Working with Price Levels

Configuring Accounts

Working with the Chart of Accounts

Working with Classifications

Importing Data