Working with Transactional Documents


Topic: Miscellaneous

Transactional Documents such as Sales Invoices, Quotes, Purchase Orders, Bills etc. are all very similar in the way they are created and used. Even though the underlying purpose of the documents may be quite different e.g. a Sales Invoice is for selling and a Purchase Order is for buying etc.


The following topics describe common tasks/data when using Transactional Documents.


Creating new Transactions

Describes the different ways of create a new Transaction Document.


Transaction Document Fields

Descriptions of the commonly occurring fields that appear on Transactional Documents.


Entering Line Items

Information about entering Line Items on the Document i.e. the Items that represent your Products,Services, Expenses etc.


Entering Billing/Shipping addresses

Information about the completing the Billing/Shipping tab.


Creating related Documents

Information about creating related Documents, such as an Invoice from a Quote, or a Credit Note from an Invoice.


Printing Documents

How to print Documents, and customize the format for your company.


Emailing Invoices and Transactional Documents

How to Email Documents.


Voiding and Deleting Documents

Information on Voiding and Deleting Documents.


Transaction Audit Trail

Tracking and viewing the complete history of a Document.


Viewing Document Account Entries

Looking at the Double Entry Bookkeeping Credit/Debit entries

for Posting Documents.


Saving Documents as Pending

Saving Documents without posting their values to the Accounts.