Transaction Document Fields


Topic: Miscellaneous > Working with Transactional Documents

NOTE: This page contains descriptions of the fields on all types of Sales/Purchase Transactional Documents.



The unique name of the customer/supplier's company. This field is automatically populated. This field is a link to the Customer/Supplier Document.


Customer/Supplier #

The unique Ref # you assigned to the associated Customer/Supplier.This field is a link to the Customer/Supplier Document. See Customer fields.



This is the Worker who owns the Document. By default this is the name of the Worker that first created the Document. However the Owner can be re-assigned at any time. The list of Owners is the current list of Workers that have login permission.



Current state of the Transactions approval. See Submitting and Approving Sales Orders, Submitting and Approving Purchase Orders.


Tax date/Date

Normally the date the Document was created. You can change the date on this field. Depending on the Tax Date and the Terms, the Due Date is automatically calculated. See Working with Payment Terms for more details.


Ref #

See Working with Reference numbers (Ref #).



Transactional Documents have an associated Status which is a read-only field that indicates the current state of the Document. For example, when a Sales Invoice has not been paid, or has only been partially paid, its Status is OPEN. When it is fully paid the status is PAID.


Authorised by

The name of the person who has authorised the Transaction. SeeSubmitting and Approving Sales Orders, Submitting and Approving Purchase Orders.


USEFUL TIP: When searching Lists of Documents you can filter by the Document Status.



See Working with Document Templates.



See Working with Currencies.


Exchange Rate

The Currency Exchange Rate. For more information see Working with Currencies.



The transaction payment terms.  See Working with Payment Terms for more details.


Due Date

The date that a payment is due to be received or made. Note that this date is calculated automatically from the Tax Date field. See Working with Payment Terms for more details.


Cash Forecast Due Date

For non-posting Documents, such as Sales Quotes, Sales Opportunities, Purchase Orders etc. this field allows you to enter the date when you estimate the associated  payment to be cleared in your bank account. This date is used by the Cash Flow Forecast Report to accurately forecast the cash balances of your accounts.


Default Site

The default Site/Warehouse in which the document's line items are located. See Multi-Site/Warehouse for more details.


Customer/Supplier Ref

Use this field to record a reference number given to you by the Customer/Supplier. For example a Purchase Order number.



Use this field to either type in the contact name or select a Contact from the Contacts List. If you choose a Contact from your Contacts List the Telephone and E-Mail fields are automatically populated with the related information. See Working with Contacts.



You can either type in the Contact's telephone number here or select a Contact from the Contact List and the field will be automatically be populated with the Contact's telephone number.



You can either type in the contact's e-mail address here or select a Contact from the Contact List and the field will be automatically be populated with the Contact's e-mail address.


Our Ref

This field is automatically populated with the Ref # of the related parent Document, such as Sales Quote or Sales Order. For more information see Creating related Documents.


Sales Order

This field is automatically populated with the Ref # of the related Sales Order. This occurs when you create a Purchase Order from a Sales Order when generating either a Drop Shipment or Special Order.

For more information see Drop Shipment and Special Orders.



This field contains the unique Job Ref # (which cannot be edited) if the  Document is created directly from the Job. To attach a Job Ref # to this field use the Find control (magnifying glass), and select the appropriate Job.


A/C Memo

See Working with A/C Memo.


Tax Code

See Working with Tax Codes.


Sub Total

The sum of the 'Amount' column on the Item Table.



The total amount of tax incurred.



Sometimes referred to as 'Balance', this is the gross or original amount due to you by the customer. Remember this is not the amount paid, its the value of the Items on this Document. The value and the amount you get paid might be different.



The amount of the total already paid, or allocated from a Credit Note


Balance Due

The amount currently owed.


Payment Method tab

The fields on this tab are used to record details about the payment. For more details on entering payments see Entering Payment Details.


Payment Method

Select the method used by the Customer/Supplier to pay/get paid.



Any unique reference or id (for example the cheque number or card transaction number). Filling in this field with the unique number that appears on your bank statement will make reconciliation of your bank account simpler.


Deposit to

If this field is left unchecked then the amount paid is recorded in the relevant currency Non Deposited Funds account. If this field is checked then the amount paid will be recorded into the account you specify in the "To Account" field.


If the amount is sent to Non-Deposited funds it can be deposited into a Bank Account at a later time. See Making Bank Deposits for more details.


Pay From

Specify which account the amount has been paid from.


To Account

Specify which account the amount has been paid into. You should only use this feature where the amount associated with this document has been paid directly into an account other than non deposited funds.


Addresses tab

See Working with Billing and Shipping Addresses.


Shipping tab

The main purpose of the fields on this tab is to store a record of the shipping details and transfer the information to the printed document. If you make more than one shipment associated with this Document then you should not record the Shipping details here. Just use the Shipping tab fields on the associated Delivery Note Document.


Ship Date

The date the item(s) shipped to the Customer or from the Supplier.


Ship Via

The default Shipping Carrier together with the preferred shipment method

and e.g. DHL Express 9.00. The default value can be specified in the associated Customer/Supplier.


Shipment Tracking #

The tracking code or id given to you by the carrier.


Shipping Terms

If required, the specific Shipping Terms for the order can be entered here. For example

this could be standard Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) such as FOB (Free on Board), CPT (Carriage Paid To) etc. together with any associated information. The default value can be specified in the associated Customer/Supplier.


Customer Message tab

On some printed documents, in particular Sales Invoices, you may wish to include a message to your Customer. For example, 'Pay early and get a 10% Discount', or '10% discount on all purchase in September'.


The text entered in this field will be displayed on the associated printed Document.


Classification tab

See Working with Classifications