

Topic: Products/Services > Working with Items

With companies that have stock in more than one location the system allows multiple Sites to be specified. Each of these Sites can contain Stock, so for example a Site can represent a physical Warehouse, or possibly a simple Stock Room or even a Van. When you issue documents such as Sales Invoices or Purchase Orders you can specify, on a per line item basis, at which Site the Item is located. Your system automatically tracks how much inventory is at each Site. There is no limit on the number of Sites you can add.


When you add a new Site the system automatically adds a new Site column to all documents, so that you can specify which Site each Line Item is located. Moreover each document has a Default Site drop down that allows you to specify the default Site for each Line Item added.


Note that you can transfer stock between different sites using the Stock Transfer document.


Related tasks and information

Stock Sites

Stock Locations

Stock Transfers

Stock Item

Stock Adjustments