Stock Sites/Warehouses


Topic: Products/Services > Working with Items > Multi-Site/Warehouse

A Stock Site represents a distinct location where you store stock. For example it could be a simple Stock Room, a Warehouse, a section of a Warehouse (e.g. Goods In). Sites do not necessarily have to be static, for example your company may have a fleet of vans that contain Stock, and you may wish to track the stock movements in each van.


Initially there is a single Site, called the Primary Site, which is notionally used to store all your stock. The default name for this Site is Warehouse 1, and of course you can change this if required. Note that this Site cannot be deleted.


To view/add/delete Sites simply go to the Explorer under Product/Services->Sites.


Stock Locations

Within each Site you can specify an arbitrary number of Stock Locations. These represent the physical location within the Site that stock is located. For example, these locations could be bins, shelves, holding areas etc. Within each location you can specify exactly which items can be located there.


Related tasks and information


Stock Locations

Stock Transfers

Stock Item

Stock Adjustments