Working with Contacts


Topic: Organiser


Contact details are recorded in the Contact Document and can either be 'stand alone' (they do not relate to any specific Customer or Supplier) or  they belong to a Customer/Supplier.



Using the basics


Entering and Editing

Creating a new Contact

The most common form of Contact is that belonging to either a Customer or Supplier. To create such a Contact simply locate the desired Customer/Supplier Document and from the Action drop-down click 'New Contact. The Contact will then be created with a link to the parent Customer Supplier.


To create a stand-alone Contact from the Explorer click Organiser>Contacts. This displays the Contact List. Click 'New Contact' to display a new Contact Document.


Contact Key Facts

Contacts can be created either 'stand-alone' or under a Customer/Supplier.
Contacts can also appear as the 'Main Contact'  as part of  another document, such as Customer/Supplier.
Contacts have an 'Contact Type' field (e.g. CEO, PA etc) which can be used to categorize the Contact. The list of Contact Types is configurable.
Contacts can be Classified using's classification mechanism.


Related tasks and information

Configuring Contacts

Working with Classifications

Importing Data