Working with Customers


Topic: Sales


The Customer Document lets you store details about the Customer and create, recall and view all associated information and Documents.



Using the basics


Entering and Editing

Creating a new Customer

To create a new Customer either use the Customers Shortcut, or from the Explorer click Sales->Customers and click 'New Customer' from the Customer List.


Customer Key Facts

The Customer name must be entered, but it does not have to be unique.
The Ref # is a unique identifier/number associated with the Customer. This can be thought of as the Customer account number. See Working with Reference numbers (Ref #) for more details.
The Customer's Balance field shows how much the Customer owes you. If its value is negative you owe the Customer money.
Once the Currency is set it cannot be changed. The Customer balance will always be expressed in the selected currency. Moreover all transactions for the Customer will be in the selected currency.
The Balance field by default is 0.00, however it can be set to a value. In this case an underlying opening balance transaction will be generated within accounts.
If the Customer is VAT registered and a member of the EU remember to check the the 'Member of EU (Not UK)' field in the Profile Tab. This will ensure VAT returns are calculated correctly for trading with EU Customers.


Using the Customer Document

Once the Customer is created you can perform associated tasks such as creating Quotes and Invoices, receiving Payments etc. by using the Customer's Action Bar.
You can also find any associated Documents by using the 'Find' drop-down on the Action Bar.
You can use the 'Transactions' Tab to list/find any associated transactions such as overdue Invoices etc.
Useful tip: The Transactions,Contacts and Memos tabs can all be used when the Customer has been popped up in its own window using popup.

Related tasks and information

Configuring Customers

The Customer Portal

Generating Customer Statements

Working with Sales Quotes

Working with Sales Orders

Working with Cash Sales

Working with Sales Invoices

Working with Customer Credit Notes

Working with Payments from Customers (Money In)

Working with Price Levels

Working with Price Lists

Processing Credit Card Payments

Working with Sales Opportunities

Working with Jobs

Working with Contacts

Working with Leads

Leads, Prospects and Customers

Working with Prospects

Working with Memos

Importing Data

Working with Emails