

The Sales Explorer Folder is shown below. This Folder holds everything to do with Sales activities, from capturing the initial Leads or Prospects and converting to Customers ,to Invoicing and receiving Payments.


In addition, for companies selling services, allows you to enter Jobs (sometimes called Projects). The Job Document allows you to collate booked time and materials from purchases, Timesheets and Expense Claims associated with the work. You can then invoice from the Job as and when required. The reporting facility allows you to track the Job's profitability and progress at any time.


The Sales Folder

The Sales Folder


Related tasks and information

Leads, Prospects and Customers

Working with Leads

Working with Prospects

Working with Customers

Working with Jobs

Working with Sales Quotes

Working with Cash Sales

Working with Sales Invoices

Working with Sales Orders

Drop Shipment and Special Orders

Working with Price Levels

Working with Price Lists

Working with Payments from Customers (Money In)

Working with Customer Credit Notes

Working with Customer Refunds

Working with Delivery Notes

The Customer Portal