Working with Timesheets


Topic: Expenses/Timesheets


The Timesheet Document allows you and your staff to enter their time worked on Jobs/Projects both internal and external. This can be thought of as replacing the commonly used paper 'Timesheet Form'.


The The Timesheet Line Item table allows you to associate a time booking with a specific Job. This facilitates accurate reporting of Job Profitability and Worker utilization.



Using the basics

Entering Line Items

Working with Items

Submitting and Approving Timesheets


Entering and Editing

Creating a new Timesheet

A new Timesheet Document can be created in two ways.


1.Either as your own Timesheet. When completing you own Timesheet either use the  Timesheet Shortcut and click 'New'. Or from the Explorer click Expenses/Timesheets->Timesheets to display the Timesheet List, then click 'New Timesheet'. This will display the New Timesheet page.
2.Or as another Worker's Timesheet. Locate the required Worker from the Worker List. Then from the Actions drop-down click 'New Timesheet'.        This will display the new Timesheet page.
3.The New Timesheet page is shown below:


New Timesheet Page

New Timesheet Page



By default the Timesheet is created for the current week. You can also specify the week of the Timesheet if required.


NOTE: If a Timesheet has already been created for a particular week it will be retrieved rather than a new one created i.e. a Worker cannot create more than one Timesheet for the same week.


Adding Line Items

Once the Timesheet has been created you can add Line Items in order to show what time has been booked to specific activities, on particular days. These activities are typically represented as 'Service Items'. A simple Timesheet is shown below.


Completing a Timesheet

Completing a Timesheet


Adding Line Items to a timesheet is very similar to adding Line Items to a Transactional Document such as an Invoice. The only difference is that the Items are restricted to 'Service Items' since they have an associated hourly rate. See Entering Line Items for more information.


Holiday and Sickness can be added directly from the Item Select page by simply clicking the desired icon on the Action bar.


Adding Holiday and Sickness

Adding Holiday and Sickness


As with other Transactional Documents Line Items can be entered by simply using the 'Enter' button, and the details typed in directly.


The 'Job' column allows Line Item booking to be associated with the specified Job. This allows reports to be generated relating to Job utilization and profitability.


Specifying 'Availability'

The 'Availability' field represents the number of billable hours that can be potentially worked in the associated week. The default Availability is set in the associated Worker Document. This figure is used to calculate the Worker's effective utilization for reporting purposes. For example, a Worker may work a 37.5 hour week, but be only billable for 15 hours. In this case the field value is set to 15.


Timesheet Key Facts

Depending on the Worker's permissions the Timesheet may be immediately approved, or submitted for approval. See Submitting and Approving Timesheets.
The Ref # is a unique identifier/number associated with the Timesheet. See Working with Reference numbers (Ref #).
The Line Items in a Timesheet are either entered directly using 'Enter', or alternatively selected from a list of 'Service Items'.
The format of the Printed Document (e.g. your company logo, colors etc.) is configurable. See Working with Document Templates.


Related tasks and information

Configuring Transactional Documents

Working with Jobs