Submitting and Approving Timesheets


Topic: Expenses/Timesheets > Working with Timesheets

For larger companies it is often the case that Timesheets need to be submitted for approval before being accepted. For this reason a simple approval mechanism is provided.


The Role associated with a Worker has a section under the Permissions Tab called Approval Permissions determines if the Worker can approve submitted Timesheet (below).


Timesheet Approval

Timesheet Approval


NOTE: If you are authorized to approve Timesheets then your Timesheets are automatically approved when saved.


When a Timesheet is saved (either from New or Edit state) the associated Approval Status can be set. In the example below the Timesheet will be 'Submitted' for approval when the Document is saved.


Timesheet submitted for approval

Timesheet submitted for approval


NOTE: Once an Timesheet has been approved its status cannot be changed.


Approving submitted Timesheets

If you have permission to approve Timesheets then you can use the Timsheet List to conveniently determine which Timesheets have been submitted for approval.


Approval of submitted Timesheets

Approval of submitted Timesheets


To accept or reject the Timesheet, simply switch the Document into Edit mode and select the appropriate status from the 'Approval' drop-down.


NOTE: When the Timesheet has been approved the 'Authorised by' field will show the approver's name.


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