Working with Purchase Orders


Topic: Purchasing


You can use the Purchase Order to confirm, record and track the progress of a purchase from a Supplier. Think of the Purchase Order as the 'living' record of what was purchased and the 'state' of what has and has not been delivered/billed. Use a combination of Memos and the Purchase Order to track and review all of the details and events that happen between the time the order was placed, and the time everything purchased on the order has been delivered/billed.


Confirming a purchase

Use the Purchase Order to record the details of the Items, quantities and costs of the things you want to purchase from a Supplier. You might send your Supplier a copy of the Purchase Order to confirm they have received and understood exactly what has been ordered in terms of cost, quantity and payment terms.


Recording a purchase

Use the Purchase to record the Items and the details of what you want to purchase from your Supplier.


Tracking a Purchase

If your supplier is not in a position to deliver some of the Items you have ordered the Purchase Order can be used to track what has, and has not, been billed or delivered to you . When you record a Bill or Item Receipt from the Purchase Order the 'Qty' billed column on the Item Table is automatically updated to show the quantity of Items that have been billed or delivered.



Using the basics

Entering Line Items

Working with Transactional Documents

Working with Items


Entering and Editing

Creating a new Purchase Order

See Creating new Transactions and Entering Line Items for the basic information.


Purchase Order Key Facts

Purchase Orders are typically used to confirm, record and track the progress of a purchase from a Supplier.
Issuing a Purchase Order does not affect the associated Supplier balance.
The Ref # is a unique identifier/number associated with the Document. See Working with Reference numbers (Ref #).
You can create a Bill, Item Receipt or Cash Purchase from a Sales Order. The Sales Order will automatically keep track of the Items billed/received.
The format of the Printed Document (e.g. your company logo, colors etc.) and which columns are displayed in the Line Item table are configurable. See Working with Document Templates.


Related tasks and information

Configuring Transactional Documents

Entering Billing/Shipping addresses

Creating related Documents

Working with Bills (Supplier Invoices)

Working with Cash Purchases

Working with Item Receipts

Drop Shipment and Special Orders

Printing Documents

Working with Emails

Transaction Audit Trail

Working with Jobs

Working with Memos

Working with Classifications