Markup Item


Topic: Products/Services > Working with Items


Markup items represent a sales price mark-up. For example you could specify a percentage markup such as 5% for all orders over a specified weight, or alternatively an absolute cash markup.



Using the basics


Entering and Editing

Creating a new Markup Item

To create a new Markup Item either use the Items Shortcut, or from the Explorer click Products/Services->Items and click 'New Item' from the Item List.


The New Markup Page will now be displayed. Simply click on 'Markup Item' to display a new Markup Item Document.


Markup Item Key Facts

Markup Items can only be entered on Sales Documents, such as Sales Quotes and Sales Invoices.
The Item Code (sometimes called the Product Code) and Description are mandatory fields. These will appear on the Transactional Document (e.g. a Sales Invoice/Timesheet) when the associated Line Item is selected.
The Item Code has to be unique. You will get an error on saving the Item if it is not.
You can choose if you want the Markup to be as a percentage (e.g. 10%), or as an absolute value by using the 'Markup as a percentage' field.
You enter the default Markup amount on the Markup tab. This amount will automatically appear on sales documents when the associated Line Item is added. With a percentage value this will be applied to the Line Item immediately above where this Item is entered on the Transaction Document (e.g. Sales Invoice). For more information see Entering Line Items.
You can specify cross/up-sell information in the 'Cross/Up-sell Information' tab. If you enter information here corresponding Line Items will display a clip0151 icon indicating there is associated information. Clicking on the icon will popup the Item information.
Use the Classification tab to specify the Item's associated Categories and Attributes if any.
You can use the Images tab to upload images of the Product.
The Accounting tab defined how the Item is mapped to the Chart of Accounts. The default account mappings are set in the Accounts configuration page.

Related tasks and information

Working with Items

Working with Transactional Documents

Entering Line Items

Working with Item Categories

Working with Item Attributes

Working with Price Levels

Configuring Accounts

Working with the Chart of Accounts

Working with Classifications

Importing Data