Supplier fields


Topic: Purchasing > Working with Suppliers

Supplier Name *

The unique name of the supplier's company.


Ref # *

See Working with Reference numbers (Ref #).



This is the Worker who owns the Document. By default this is the name of the Worker that first created the Document. However the Owner can be re-assigned at any time. The list of Owners is the current list of Workers that have login permission.



See Working with the Balance field.



See Working with Currencies.


Credit Limit

Use this field to enter the Credit Limit the Supplier has set for you.


Main Contact tab


Enter the details of your main contact here. This contact will appear in the Contacts List underneath the Organiser node on the Explorer.


For details of the Contact fields see Working with Contacts and Contact fields.

Enter the details of your main contact here. This contact will appear in the Contacts List underneath the Organiser node on the Explorer.


Profile tab


Is Active

Flag indicating if the Supplier is active.


Supplier Since

This date is automatically populated with the date you created this Supplier Document.


Type of Business

Use this field to help you in your marketing campaigns and expense analysis.


Tax Code

See Working with Tax Codes


Supplier is VAT registered

Check this box if the Supplier is VAT registered. Checking the box will allow you to enter the Supplier's VAT number (below).


1099 Supplier (USA only)

Check this box if the Supplier is to be included in the 1099 tax report.



The Supplier's VAT Registration number. The VAT number can be displayed on Supplier Bills. Whether the VAT number is displayed on Documents is controlled by the Document's associated Print Template. See Working with Document Templates for more details.


Is from other EC Member State

Check this box if the Supplier is a member of the EU. This enables correct VAT calculations to be made for the VAT100 Report. This field equates to the 'other EC Member States' boxes on the UK's VAT100 form. See Working with VAT Returns.



See Working with Payment Terms


Ship Via

The default Shipping Carrier together with the preferred shipment method

and e.g. DHL Express 9.00.


Shipping Terms

The default Shipping Terms. For example this could be standard Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) such as FOB (Free on Board), CPT (Carriage Paid To) etc. together with any associated information.


Name used on Checks

If filled in, this is the name used on Checks (for example for Supplier Payments) instead

of the default Supplier name. See Working with Checks for related details.


Notes tab

Store notes here that you want everyone to see.


Transactions tab

This tab allows you to conveniently list the Transactions associated with this Supplier. Once listed, transactions can be bookmarked or displayed in a new popup window.


Memos tab

See Working with Memos


Contacts tab

See Working with Contacts


Classification tab

See Working with Classifications