Working with Checks


Topic: Banking > Working with Bank Accounts

Despite the increasingly widespread use of Credit Card and Electronic Payments, Checks (or 'Cheques' if you are in the UK) are still widely used by businesses as a method of payment. Moreover, for convenience many companies choose to print their own checks by using blank check stock that is readily available (for example QuickBooks Voucher Checks). facilitates the creation and subsequent printing of checks. This enables you to keep a record of exactly which checks have been issued, and saves you time in physically writing the checks.


Printing checks is done by writing your checks to a PDF file. The file is then printed in conjunction with your check blanks. keeps track of which checks have been printed, and which are due to be printed.


Printing your checks can be done either on a per check basis, or alternatively as a 'batch'. Multiple checks can be printed from the associated Bank Account in a single PDF document.


A check can be created virtually anywhere that a cash payment is made. For example, payment to a Supplier, a Cash Purchase, a Customer Refund etc.


Listing Checks

The list of all issued Checks cab be found under the Banking folder in the Explorer. From this list you can see which Checks have been printed, and which checks are due to be printed.


Printing Checks

Checks can be printed from 3 places.

From the Check itself by clicking the Print action.
From a Bank Account by clicking the Print Checks actions.
From the Checks list under the Banking folder on the Explorer, by clicking the Print action.


For more information about printing Checks see Printing Checks.


Related tasks and information

The Check Document

Printing Checks