Packing Slips/Delivery Notes


Topic: Sales > Working with Sales Orders > Pick-Pack-Ship Process

Delivery Notes (sometimes called Packing Slips) can be printed from :-


The List of Shipments
The Shipment document
The Sales Order document


It should be noted that although the Delivery Note can be created as a proper, saved document in the system, you can print Delivery Notes/Packing slips from the Shipment document and Shipments list without actually creating the underlying document. This is convenient when you do not actually require a persistent record of the Delivery Note in the system.


IMPORTANT: When a Shipment is printed it actually uses the Delivery Note Print Template to format the output. In this respect Delivery Notes and Shipment document are treated exactly the same when being printed. This is why, if you are using Shipments, there is no need to create a distinct Delivery Note.


An Example: Printing Delivery Notes/Packing Slips from the Shipments List


The following diagram shows how Delivery Notes/Packing Slips are printed from the Shipments List.


Printing Delivery Notes/Packing Slips from Shipments List

Printing Delivery Notes/Packing Slips from Shipments List



Related tasks and information

Working with Shipments

Allocating Stock to Sales Orders

Pick-Pck-Ship Process

Pick Lists

Packing Slips/Delivery Notes

Checking Stock Availability

Working with Shipments

Creating Back Orders

Working with Delivery Notes