Inheriting Values


Topic: Setup > Configuration > Customisation

If you have created a Custom Field for a particular document you may want to pre-populate the field with data when a new document is created. For example, suppose that on a Sales Quote we have added a custom field Campaign which holds the name of the marketing campaign that is associated with the quote. Similarly, we may also have added a Campaign field to Sales Invoice. Now when I create a Sales Invoice from a Sales Quote we ideally want the Invoices' Campaign field to inherit its value from the Sales Quote's Campaign field.


For any Custom Field it is possible to specify which values it inherits (if any). We will use the above example to show how this works.


Specifying Custom Field Inherited Values

First, we assume that you have defined two Campaign custom text fields in both Sales Quote and Sales Invoice. We want the Sales Invoice Campaign field to inherit its value from Sales Quote Campaign.


Step 1:Display the Customisation page for Sales Quote

A Custom Field's inherited values are specified via the Document(s) it inherits from, rather than the document containing the field itself. So in this example since the field inherits from Sales Quote we first display the Sales Quote Customisation page. To do this, form the Explorer simply click Setup->Configuration->Sales Quote. Then from the Sales Quote Configuration Page click Customise Fields.


Step 2:Select the inherited field and click Inherit Field Value from the Edit Fields menu.

This results in a pop-up window displaying all Custom Fields that can potentially inherit the selected value (below).

Specifying Custom Field inheritance

Specifying Custom Field inheritance


Step 3:Select the Custom Field(s) that will inherit the value.

In this case we simply click the Campaign field on the Sales Invoice document.


Step 4:Save and Close the pop-up.

Clicking Save will set the selected inherited fields. The window can be closed by clicking Close.




Now when you create a Sales Invoice from a Sales Quote the Invoice will automatically inherit the Quotes Campaign value (below).


Inheriting 'Campaign' when creating an Invoice from a Quote

Inheriting 'Campaign' when creating an Invoice from a Quote


NOTE: Custom Fields can inherit from other Customer Fields (as in the example above), or Standard Fields.


Viewing a Custom Field's Inheritance

You can view which values a particular Custom Field inherits by first displaying the associated Customisation page. If a Custom Field has inherited values you will see the icon custom_inherit. Clicking this icon will pop-up a window that shows the Custom Field's inherited values (below).


View a Custom Field's inherited values

View a Custom Field's inherited values



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