Adding Custom Tabs


Topic: Setup > Configuration > Customisation

Just as Custom Fields and Custom Sections can be added you can also add Custom Tabs. Within a Custom Tab you can add your own Sections and associated Fields. To add a Custom Tab simply follow the steps below.






Step 1: From the Document's Customisation screen click Add New Tab from the Edit Tabs drop down.

This will add a new Tab after the current right most Tab.


Step 2: Entering the Tab title

When the Tab is added you will notice an input text field on the title strip. Type the title of the Tab here as required. Clicking outside the input field will refresh the page store the updated title.


Step 3: Add Sections and Fields

Add the required Sections and Fields to the Tab.


Step 4: Move the Tab to the desired position

Select the Tab (by clicking the Tab's title) and from the Edit Tabs drop down click on Move Tab Left or Move Tab Right as required.


Step 5: Done!

You have created a new Tab with associated Section/Fields.


Deleting Custom Tabs

Custom Tabs that you have added can of course be subsequently deleted. To do this simply select the Tab in the usual way and click Delete tab from the Edit Tabs drop down.


IMPORTANT: If you delete a Custom Tab that has previously been populated with data, the associated data will be permanently lost on deletion.


Related tasks and information


Adding Custom Sections