Working with General Journals


Topic: Accounting

Overview uses double entry bookkeeping to ensure the underlying accounts are correct when you save a Transactional Document, such as a Sales Invoice. Because this is done automatically and unobtrusively it is indeed possible to use without the need to know about double entry bookkeeping at all.


However, every once in a while there is a requirement to manipulate the underlying accounts directly, rather than using one of's Transactional Documents. These manipulation would normally be done by an accountant, and in the world of accounting they are know as Journal Entries. In the General Journal Document allows you make these entries, whilst ensuring that the integrity of the double entry system is maintained.



Using the basics


Entering and Editing

Creating a new General Journal Entry        

To create a new General Journal Entry, from the Explorer click Accounting->General Journal Entries. This displays the general Journal Entries List. From the Action Bar click 'New Journal Entry to display a new General Journal Entries Document (below).        


General Journal Entry

General Journal Entry


General Journal Entry Key Facts

Each Line Item can be selected from either the Chart of Accounts, or the list of Customers/Suppliers. Line Items are selected in the usual way, see Entering Line Items.
The total Debits and Credits must be the same i.e. balance. This ensures the rules of double entry bookkeeping are maintained.
If you are dealing with multi-currency you can select the currency of the values in the Credit/Debit columns using the Currency of Values field.
When a currency is selected that is not the base currency the Exchange Rate fields becomes editable and can be set accordingly.


Related tasks and information

Working with the Chart of Accounts

Working with Currencies

Viewing Document Account Entries