Transfer Funds from a Bank Account


Topic: Banking > Working with Bank Accounts



The Funds Transfer Document simply allows you to transfer money from one account to another.



Using the basics

Working with Bank Accounts


Entering and Editing


Creating a new Funds Transfer

Find the Bank, Petty Cash or Credit Card account that you wish to transfer money from. From the account's Action Bar drop-down click 'Transfer Funds'. This displays the new Transfer Funds Document (below).


Transferring Funds to an account

Transferring Funds to an account


The steps in the diagram show how a deposit is made.


1.Clicking 'Transfer Funds' on the associated account displays a new Transfer Funds Document.
2.Enter a unique Ref # for the transaction here. By default the value is [auto] meaning that this number will be generate automatically. See Working with Reference numbers (Ref #).
3.The date you made the transfer goes here.
4.Select the account that you wish to transfer the money to.
5.The transfer amount goes here.
6.This is a memo for accounting purposes. In this case we put a transfer reference number issues by the bank. See Working with A/C Memo(s).
7.When you have completed the details save the transfer by clicking 'Save'.


Related tasks and information

Working with Memos