Configuring Company Info


Topic: Setup > Configuration

The Company Configuration Document lets you set Company Details such as address fiscal year, date format and time zone, company logo/strap line, and email sending preferences.


To modify Company Configuration settings, from the Explorer click Setup->Configuration. This displays the Configuration page. Then Click 'Company', this displays the Company Configuration Document.


The various tabs/fields are described below.


Details tab

Some of the fields on this tab are self explanatory, such as the Company Address. Those that do require some explanation are described below.


Company Legal Name

Sometimes the legal name of the companies differs from its commonly used name. In this case the legal name may be required on documents such as Sales Invoices. If this is the case enter the legal name here and it can be used on the appropriate Documents (see Working with Document Templates for information on how to customise printed Documents).


First Month of Fiscal Year

This is required so that your financial reporting periods can be determined correctly.


Base Currency

This filed is non-editable. It is the base currency you chose when initially setting up your system.


Date Format/Time Zone tab


Preferred Date Format

Depending on your country you may want to displays dates in a certain format. Choose the format from this drop down.


Current Time Zone

Select your time zone from the list provided. These are represented as offsets from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).


Enable automatic daylight saving

Check this box if you want to automatically add/remove the daylight saving period when appropriate.



Logo/Strap Line tab


Company Strap Line

This the text often used underneath the company name/logo. It can be displayed in printed Documents if required, such as Sales Invoices (see Working with Document Templates for information on how to customise printed Documents).


Company Logo

The Company Logo can be uploaded to be displayed on printed Documents such as Sales Invoices. See Uploading your Company Logo.



Sending Email tab

This tab is used to configure the emails sent from In particular Documents such as Sales Invoices and Statements. See Working with Emails for more details).


Default 'From' Address

The default address appearing in the email's 'from' field.


Default address for copies

If this value is set a copy of any email will be sent to it. This is useful for tracking sent mails.


Standard Email Signature

Enter text here that you want to appear at the footer of all emails sent from


Related tasks and information

Company Info

Uploading your Company Logo

Working with Emails

Printing Documents