Creating and Editing Email Templates


Topic: Setup > Email Templates

Although your system is supplied with a set of standard Email Templates you can of course modify the text, or indeed create new templates.


A typical Email Template is shown below.


Typical Email Template

Typical Email Template


Note the use of Mail Merge parameters of the the form ${....}. For example ${first_name}. These expressions are used to substitute in values from the associated document, therefore saving you having to type these values in manually when the associated email is generated.


A full list of Mail Merge parameters is available here.


Plain and HTML Mail

Notice that by default all mail is HTML based. This allows rich HTML content to be sent in your email. It may be however that you prefer to send the more traditional plain text email. In this case simply click the 'Plain Text' checkbox and the HTML editor will disappear.


Related tasks and information

Email Templates

Mail Merge parameters

Working with Emails

Sending Emails

Emailing Invoices and Transactional Documents