Working with your account


Topic: Setup

Your account allows you to do a number of things such as,


Pay your monthly subscription
Add or remove user licenses
Upgrade or add extra services when available


You access you through the website, rather than the application. However, within the application you can access certain details of your account.


To display the account page, from the Explorer click Setup->Your salesorder Account (below).


The account page

The account page


Some of the information is self explanatory. We explain some of the data below.


Number of User Licenses

The number of User Licenses you currently have. This is the maximum number of Workers with active login's you can have i.e. the maximum number of users that can log into your system simultaneously.


Number of active Users

The number of Workers that have their login enabled i.e. that can actually log into your


Increasing or decreasing your User Licenses

Increasing/decreasing your user licenses is straightforward, and is done via your account. Simply follow the instructions below.

1.Login to your salesorder account by clicking here.
2.Click on Products/Services and view your current subscription package.
3.Click on upgrade/downgrade package button. You will see the upgrade/downgrade options. Simply click on the package with the number of users you require.


IMPORTANT: Before reducing the number of user licenses you must ensure that the current number of Active Users is less than or equal to the new Number Of User Licenses that you require.


To reduce the number of Active Users simply uncheck the 'Enable Login' checkbox on those Workers who no longer need to be active.


Related tasks and information

Working with Workers