Working with Reports


Topic: Reports comes with a set of 'standard' reports that allow you to display and analyse data entered into you system.


The reports are categorised  into a number of distinct areas such as Accounting, Sales, Products/Services, Jobs, VAT etc.


All standard reports work in the same way, and in this topic we will show how to run and use reports from a general perspective.


Generic Report Functionally

All standard reports allow the following,


Run the standard 'default' Report
Customise the report by using filters
Memorise the Report, along with its associated settings.
Set the date range and column format where appropriate
Export the Report to Excel
Print the Report


We shall show each of these areas below.


Running the standard Report

To run a standard report such as Profit and Loss, from the Explorer click Reports. This displays the Reports page. Click on the arrow icon clip0205 by the Accounting section. This displays the standard Reports in the Accounting category (below).


Running a standard report

Running a standard report


The resultant report is shown below.


NOTE: If you have a lot of data in your system some Reports may take a while to run. Please be patient!


Summary and Detail reports

Summary and Detail reports


In most cases there is a summary report, which displays a summary of the figures accumulated from multiple transactions, together with a detailed report showing the constituent transactions. The detailed report is views by clicking on the associated summary number. In the above case 2,088.38.


Customising a Report

A Report can be customised by simply clicking 'Customise' on the Report's Action bar. this displays the Report's customisation page(below).


Customising a Report

Customising a Report


Typically you can specify which columns you require displays from the 'Columns' tab, also from the 'Filters' tab you can filter the results as required. in this example we filter by the Account type and also the Customer.


In addition to Columns and Filters on most reports you can also specify a custom date range.


To run the customised Report simply click clip0210 on the Action Bar.


Memorising a Report

Often it is useful to be able to save or memorise a Report along with its customised settings. To do this simply click on 'Memorise' on the Report's Action Bar. This will allow you to assign a name to the new Report, and save it (below).


Memorising a Report

Memorising a Report


Once the Report has bee memorised is can be accessed from the Explorer. From the Explorer click Reports->Memorised Reports to display the List of memorised Reports (below).


List of memorised Reports

List of memorised Reports


Exporting a Report to Microsoft Excel

It is sometimes useful to export a Report to Microsoft Excel. You can then manipulate figures, and formulae etc. To export a Report simply click the Excel icon clip0213 on the Report's Action Bar. This will popup a dialog asking you to save the exported Excel file to a suitable location on your computer.