Video Tutorials



Getting Started


help_play_vid2 Using - the basics



Setting up your system


hmtoggle_plus1 help_play_vid2 Part 1 - The Company Document and essential settings

This tutorial shows you how to set up:

The Company Document – this contains key settings and information that affect the Documents you use to conduct business.
Foreign Currencies – for trading with international Customers and Suppliers.
Bank Accounts and Credit Cards – including setting opening Balances.
Tax Codes – to make sure you record the right Tax rates on products and services you buy and sell.
Payment Terms – these allow you to specify and record the terms on which you buy and sell products and services.
Document numbering – these ensure each Document you send to Customers or Suppliers has a unique reference number.


hmtoggle_plus1 help_play_vid2 Part 2 - Getting existing information into your system

There are three videos in this tutorial. You can import:


Workers – the people who work for you
Accounts – an existing or pre-designed Chart of Accounts
Leads – people who may be interested in buying from you
Customers – information about existing customers
Suppliers - information about existing suppliers
Contacts - information about existing contacts
Items - information about the products and services you buy and sell


In the first video we show you how to plan your import. We show you what tools to use, how to get the information into the right format for importing into your system and how to avoid the common mistakes.


In the second video we walk you through how to use the import templates and test to make sure the import process runs smoothly before you upload any large lists to your system.


In the third video we walk you through an import of a large list into your system.


hmtoggle_plus1 help_play_vid2 Part 3 - Setting up your Accounts

We show you to import existing or set up individual Accounts. We discuss the tools you need to design and import your Chart of Accounts and walk you through the different types of Accounts and why you need them.


hmtoggle_plus1 help_play_vid2 Part 4 - Setting up your Items (Products and Services)

Managing the information in your system associated with the key products and services you buy and sell is performed by Items. We show you what Items do for everyone who works directly and indirectly with the products and services in your business. We walk you through how to decide which type of Item to use and how to set them up.



Cash Flow forecasts


hmtoggle_plus1 help_play_vid2 Cash Flow Forecasting

Cash flow forecasting is arguably the most important skill you can master and we are constantly amazed by the mistakes even the most experienced business people fail to read and interpret a cash flow forecast correctly. We walk you through the anatomy of the cash flow forecast, how to use it and show you the common and often fatal mistakes people make when working with this important report.


We therefore recommend you watch the whole video as its 43 minutes that could mean the difference between success and failure of your business.


Alternatively you can choose to watch just a part of the video so we’ve split it up as follows:


Part 1 - The power of good judgment.
Part 2 - Beginning and Ending Balances
Part 3 - Timeline and forecasting granularity
Part 4 - Cash Movements – Committed
Part 5 - Cash Movements – Sales and Purchase forecasts
Part 6 - ‘Cash flow Due Dates’ explained
Part 7 - What if – modeling your cash flow and why you should do it
Part 8 - Conclusion – Ignore this sound advice at your peril





hmtoggle_plus1 help_play_vid2 Designing your Chart of Accounts

Your Chart of Accounts helps you read and understand the financial activities and position of your business. Therefore it is critical you understand how it works and how it is used to track and measure the financial progress of your business against your business plan. (You have got a business plan haven’t you?) We show you how to decide what to track and measure and how to design your Chart of Accounts. We also give you guidance on what to do if you already have a Chart of Accounts.


You can choose to watch all or just a part(s) of the video:


Part 1 - What is the Chart of Accounts and how is it used
Part 2 - How good businesses use the Chart of Accounts
Part 3 - Tools and Preparation
Part 4 - Using the Upload Template
Part 5 - Using Configure on the Chart of Accounts List
Part 6 - Choosing and setting up Profit and Loss Accounts
Part 7 - Choosing and setting up Balance Sheet Accounts
Part 8 - Upload your Accounts
Part 9 - Manually create or change your Accounts
Part 10 - Multicurrency


hmtoggle_plus1 help_play_vid2 The Profit and Loss explained

The Profit and Loss monitors the financial activity of your business. It’s essential you are able to read and interpret it. We walk you through the anatomy and mechanics of the Profit and Loss.


hmtoggle_plus1 help_play_vid2 The Balance Sheet explained

The Balance Sheet tells you the financial position of your business. The Profit and Loss monitors the financial activity of your business. It’s essential you are able to read and interpret it. We walk you through the anatomy and mechanics of the Balance Sheet.